AI Farewell Cards That Leave a Lasting Impression

Create unforgettable, personalised farewell cards in seconds with the magic of AI 👋

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Why Choose Our AI Farewell Card Generator?

Discover the advantages of our AI-powered card creation service

Effortless Creativity

😮‍💨 Fed up of searching for the right card? Our AI generates the right card for you.

Personalised Touch

🪄 Tailor every card to your recipient with AI-driven customisation.

Time-Saving Magic

✨ Create professional-quality cards in seconds.

Endless Variety

🦄 Never send the same card twice, use AI to make the perfect card for that special someone.

How Silly Robot Cards Works

Create your personalized card in just a few simple steps


Select The Occasion 🎉

Birthday, Valentines, Xmas, etc.


Tell us who it's for 😍

Friend, lover, partner, etc.


Tell us things they love ❤️

Hobbies, interests, pets, in-jokes, etc.


Pick, Print & Send 💌

Pick your unique card, print and send - you can write a cute message inside ✍️

Recently Created

Check out some farewell cards recently made!

Under an enchanting sky, a panda, its paws as big as baseball gloves, watched a silver-haired, experienced actress speaking eloquently about the essence of farewells. Her statements infused warmth into the chilly atmosphere, enveloping you like an uncanny, yet lifelike tapestry. 'Until we meet again,' she said, her goodbyes hovering amidst the boundary of fantasy and palpable existence.
Generated with these themes: Wax, mittens, Helen mirren, panda.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

Under an enchanting sky, a panda, its paws as...

Under an enchanting sky, a panda, its paws as...

Create a vibrant cartoon scene with seven uniquely decorated, whimsical sheds arranged in a semi-circle around a charming manor house. The house and the sheds are adorned with banners and balloons, representing a joyful occasion. At the center of this arrangement stands a happy Caucasian male character, waving goodbye, with a large bag in his hand, symbolizing a departure into retirement. The surrounding area is bustling with cartoon animals and colleagues of diverse descents and genders, each expressing wishes of good luck for future endeavors.
Generated with these themes: 7 Sheds, Big bag, Manor house, and Retirement.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

Create a vibrant cartoon scene with seven uni...

Create a vibrant cartoon scene with seven uni...

Illustrate a heartwarming cartoon of an endearing character, poised to start their retirement journey at an impressive manor house that is encircled by seven adorable sheds. This character, carrying a large bag on their shoulder, is portrayed taking a pause to say farewell. These sheds symbolize memories amassed over the years, while the stately manor symbolizes the relaxing retreat awaiting the character. Enhancing the affectionate atmosphere of the scene is a farewell banner strung across the panorama.
Generated with these themes: 7 Sheds, Big bag, Manor house, and Retirement.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

Illustrate a heartwarming cartoon of an endea...

Illustrate a heartwarming cartoon of an endea...

Visualize a serene scene of a rural manor house, symbolizing the comfort and peace of retirement. Nearby, envision a few rustic sheds, storing cherished memories of the past like precious heirlooms. Imagine a large bag, light despite its size, filled with feathers representing the triumphs of the past, now bearing no weight. This beautiful tableau signifies the start of a well-deserved rest. Wish for every new day to be greeted with the charming idiosyncrasies of a life well-lived, symbolized perhaps by the sunrise illuminating this idyllic pastoral retreat.
Generated with these themes: Sheds, Big bag, Manor house, and Retirement.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

Visualize a serene scene of a rural manor hou...

Visualize a serene scene of a rural manor hou...

Imagine a tranquil scene, where an exquisite manor house sits nestled amidst lush, well-kept gardens. This magnificent dwelling radiates charm and peace. Adjacent to it are small sheds filled with tools, reminiscent of years of labor and love. A hefty bag filled to the brim lays nearby, symbolizing a journey brimming with endless possibilities. Each day in this setting is like a masterpiece painting, encapsulating picturesque moments of joy and tranquility. A new chapter unfolds under the soft glow of the setting sun, indicative of a serene retirement.
Generated with these themes: Sheds, Big bag, Manor house, and Retirement.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

Imagine a tranquil scene, where an exquisite ...

Imagine a tranquil scene, where an exquisite ...

Visualize a whimsical cartoon scene featuring a jovial and rotund anthropomorphic burger carrying a suitcase, waving goodbye. The burger character is wearing a broad-brimmed explorer's hat, infused with comedic elements. The backdrop is vibrant and displays amusing interpretations of famous landmarks from across the globe. An ensemble of miniature vegetables can be seen playing a joke, adding a dash of humor as they say goodbye to their edible companion ready to embark on a comically delightful journey.
Generated with these themes: Travelling, Comedy, and Food.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

Visualize a whimsical cartoon scene featuring...

Visualize a whimsical cartoon scene featuring...

Create an image depicting a cartoon-style airplane with a friendly face, its wings decorated with a multitude of international cuisine. The plane is soaring above an animated group of fruits and vegetables, each portraying distinct expressions of mirth, and wearing hats synonymous with comedy. They're situated on a picnic blanket, engaged in sharing a meal, making mirthful banter, and waving banners of farewell. This cheerful scene symbolizes the vibrant intersection of travel, humor, and culinary delights in a lively farewell party.
Generated with these themes: Travelling, Comedy, and Food.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

Create an image depicting a cartoon-style air...

Create an image depicting a cartoon-style air...

Create a second variation of a cute cartoon animation. Portray a charismatic, middle-aged man with a slight hint of stubble and glasses. He's holding a miniature flag of a generic football club, standing proudly on a grassy field under a panorama of the twilight sky filled with stars - a visual attribute to a typical depiction of a night sky. Surrounding him, depict symbols of birds, representing a team's mascot. He also holds a banner that reads 'Goodbye and Good Luck!' in a playful, cartoonish font. The entire scene radiates an affectionate farewell.
Generated with these themes: Jurgen Klopp, Liverpool, and Danny Evans Sky.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

Create a second variation of a cute cartoon a...

Create a second variation of a cute cartoon a...

A delightful cartoon of a charismatic male football manager, dressed in an iconic red cap and jacket, waving goodbye with a kind and friendly grin. He stands under a gradient pastel sky mimicking the vibrant colors of a sunset. Scattered around are symbols of football and the emblems of a popular football club. A speech bubble above reads 'Farewell! You'll never walk alone!' encapsulating the spirit of the football community and acting as a heartfelt farewell.
Generated with these themes: Jurgen Klopp, Liverpool, and Danny Evans Sky.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

A delightful cartoon of a charismatic male fo...

A delightful cartoon of a charismatic male fo...

A vibrant, heartwarming cartoon illustration representing two friendly, anonymous characters in a festive farewell party. One character, identifiable as a charismatic sport management figure, is placing a congenial arm around the other, a known sporting personality. They stand at the center, ensnared by a splash of balloons and streamers, both flashing warm smiles while holding an adorned slice of farewell cake. The background teems with a myriad of merry, animated friends waiving goodbye. It forms a buoyant yet touching scene of parting.
Generated with these themes: Danny Evans and Jurgen Klopp sharing a leaving do.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

A vibrant, heartwarming cartoon illustration ...

A vibrant, heartwarming cartoon illustration ...

In this charming cartoon scene, two unidentifiable male characters are illustrated celebrating their farewell party. They are portrayed as appealing caricatures, with one character playfully ruffling the other's hair and both characters grinning broadly. A banner reading 'Farewell Friends' hangs overhead, while endearing renditions of their colleagues cheer on. The composition conveys a bittersweet sense of joy and friendship, providing the ideal ambiance for wishing someone well on their new journey.
Generated with these themes: Danny Evans and Jurgen Klopp sharing a leaving do.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

In this charming cartoon scene, two unidentif...

In this charming cartoon scene, two unidentif...

Visualize a scene beneath the tangled branches of a vast, age-old tree. A spirit with a captivatingly lifelike image appears, exhibiting endearing, radiant eyes that resemble buttons. Providing a warm, welcoming aura, it performs a charming and old-fashioned bow. On its spectral, delicate face, a heartfelt smile can be seen that is so vivid, it feels tangible. As it says a touching goodbye, its ethereal form sways gently and rhythmically like a soft zephyr, making the departure poignant and full of grace.
Generated with these themes: Ghost.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

Visualize a scene beneath the tangled branche...

Visualize a scene beneath the tangled branche...

Visualize a spectral entity appearing near a gated area, just as the sun's rays are transitioning from gold to twilight blue. This ghost exudes a delightful charm, with a dash of playfulness. Its form radiates a glow and an almost palpable texture, and it waves a clear hand in a tender goodbye. Its charming, sincere eyes communicate a heartfelt message of goodwill, subtly hinting that every conclusion leads to a new start.
Generated with these themes: Ghost.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

Visualize a spectral entity appearing near a ...

Visualize a spectral entity appearing near a ...

A picturesque scene on a sunny beach with a lovable fawn French Bulldog sitting peacefully. The canine is adorned with a tiny, charming holiday hat that adds to its cuteness. Besides it, nestled in the fine grains of sand, lay a bottle of rose wine along with a pair of cocktail glasses, suggesting a festive mood. The sparkling sea water in the backdrop is dotted with small, decorative boats, symbolizing the arrival of a vacation. The whole ambiance reflects a delightful departure, with the essence of relaxation and celebration mingling together.
Generated with these themes: Fawn french bulldog, Rose wine, Holiday, and Cocktails.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

A picturesque scene on a sunny beach with a l...

A picturesque scene on a sunny beach with a l...

Create an image featuring a sweetheart farewell card. See in the foreground a French Bulldog puppy, which takes the coloration of a fawn, adorned with a festive holiday lei. This playful pooch offers a cheerful wink while nimbly holding a rose wine glass in its paw. The backdrop should consist of an energizing sunset casting a kaleidoscope of warm hues over a relaxed beach setting. Include a quaint cocktail bar, manned by a middle-aged South Asian man and accompanied by a young Hispanic woman, dispensing delightful tropical beverages, all culminating in a feel-good holiday atmosphere for this parting communique.
Generated with these themes: Fawn french bulldog, Rose wine, Holiday, and Cocktails.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

Create an image featuring a sweetheart farewe...

Create an image featuring a sweetheart farewe...

A quaint and charming image invites your inspection, leaving a whimsical impression. In the middle, a scene of sophistication, with a glass of Pinot Grigio ideally positioned, its fresh ambiance filling the air. Alongside, a subtle nod to a controversial topic is integrated into the background, suggesting a story yet to unfold. The benevolence and elegance of a compassionate and graceful woman running through an idyllic landscape is skillfully portrayed, her silhouette echoing the grace of notable public figures. As she strides through the pastoral scene, she waves goodbye with poise and grace.
Generated with these themes: Cocaine, pinot Grigio, lady diana, running.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

A quaint and charming image invites your insp...

A quaint and charming image invites your insp...

Imagine a real-life farewell scene that is both delightful and sincere. A glass of Pinot Grigio is being swirled gently, catching the light and casting a soft glow. A jogging woman who exhibits a captivating presence, reminiscent of a public figure known for her grace and vitality, passes by. In the background, a subtle reference to the allure of a controversial substance adds a hint of complex shadow. Instead of conveying sadness, the composition's tranquil motion suggests an eager race towards fresh starts and new adventures.
Generated with these themes: Cocaine, pinot Grigio, lady diana, running.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

Imagine a real-life farewell scene that is bo...

Imagine a real-life farewell scene that is bo...

A fantastical image of cartoonish animals convened around a canvas. Highlighting the group is an animal clad in a beret, wielding a paintbrush, in a role of an art teacher for the congregation. They are immersed in a light-hearted painting session full of laughter, silly errors, and vibrant colors leading to an abstract masterpiece. A canvas above gently undulates bearing the word 'Farewell' scripted onto it, infusing a touch of poignant farewell to the otherwise animated scene.
Generated with these themes: Art teaching immature silly painting .
Made with ❤️ by AI.

A fantastical image of cartoonish animals con...

A fantastical image of cartoonish animals con...

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You're in good company

See why over 10,000 cards were made in the last two weeks

What a breath of fresh air! Silly Robot Cards have bypassed any card manufacturer with their AI technology and card design(s) to capture the imagination and provide a platform to help produce truly personalised greetings cards. Not only that, there’s also human interaction with REAL people to respond to queries & requests providing real time help, assistance and support. A BIG high five to Silly Robots! 🙌 🤖

Hayley Quince - What a breath of fresh air!

Cool use of AI ... I think maybe Moonpig's days are numbered

Andy Baptist - Cool use of AI ..

What a great idea! You pick things that the person likes and this company makes an illustrated card including all the things you chose. So each card is unique to the person you chose it for. Brilliant idea. Card arrived, lovely quality. Happy buyer. Highly recommended.

Sue Blair - What a great idea!

I am absolutely thrilled to pieces with the valentines card I bought on this website, it is just too brilliant to put into words! Where other card websites failed Silly Robot Cards absolutely have come up trumps! I am so pleased. Thankyou so much!

Sarah Salt - I am absolutely thrilled to pieces

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

It costs $3 to print a card.

Cards are printed and supplied with a paper envelope and a protective biodegradable OPP bag.

How long does it take for a card to arrive?

It typically takes 5 business days to arrive.

Shipping options for the USA are as follows:

Standard (5-12 business days)N/A$4.99
Expedited (3-5 business days)N/A$10.36
Overnight (1-2 business days)N/A$20.20

What size is the card?

5.5 x 5.5 inches (140 x 140mm)

Can I personalise the card?

Yes, you can write a message on the inside of the card from the basket page.

How do I send a card?

After creating a cards, you can add to your basket and checkout.

What quality is the card?

The card is a glossy card.

Supplied with a paper envelope and a protective biodegradable OPP bag.

What happens to my pictures after uploading?

All uploaded pictures are deleted within 30 days.

Example Printed Cards

Image 0Image 1Image 2Image 3

Environmental Impact

See how we're reducing our impact on the environment

Water-based inks icon

Water-based inks

Printed using water based inks.

Sustainabily sourced icon

Sustainably sourced paper or wood

From sustainable forests.

Vegan-friendly icon


Contains no animal products.


Can be recycled.

AI Farewell Cards

Say goodbye with style using our AI-generated Farewell Cards – the perfect way to express your sentiments in seconds!

Our AI-powered platform allows you to design & generate a unique card tailored to the departing person and your relationship. Incorporate shared memories, inside jokes, or special moments to create a card that truly resonates.

In a world of generic farewells, an AI Farewell Card stands out as a testament to your thoughtfulness. Surprise your colleague, friend, or loved one with a gesture that will leave them feeling appreciated and remembered. Create your AI Farewell Card today and make their departure a little more special!

Ready to Revolutionize Your Card-Giving?

Join thousands of happy users who've discovered the power of AI-driven creativity. Whether it's birthdays, holidays, or just because, make every card unforgettable.

Need inspiration? Check out our blog post: The Ultimate Guide to AI-Generated Farewell Cards


Created By Gleeboard

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