AI Farewell Cards That Leave a Lasting Impression

Create unforgettable, personalised farewell cards in seconds with the magic of AI 👋

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How Silly Robot Cards Works

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Birthday, Valentines, Xmas, etc.


Tell us who it's for 😍

Friend, lover, partner, etc.


Tell us things they love ❤️

Hobbies, interests, pets, in-jokes, etc.


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Pick your unique card, print and send - you can write a cute message inside ✍️

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In the scene, an Australian outback stretches across the horizon with an orange tint of the setting sun casting long shadows over the rugged terrain. In the foreground, an orange grove laden with plump, juicy oranges stands prominently, the trees dotted with bright orange fruits against the rich green leaves. A gangly kangaroo wearing a "G'day Mate!" shirt and a cork hat (a hat with dangling corks to keep the flies away) is waving a comical oversized hand, as if saying farewell. 

Perched on one of the orange trees, a koala is munching on an orange slice with a look of surprise, clearly more used to eucalyptus leaves. Nearby, an emu with a cheeky expression peeks from behind a tree, holding a tiny suitcase labeled "Off to New Adventures!" The ground is scattered with fallen oranges and eucalyptus leaves, while a dirt path winds through the scene leading off into the horizon, hinting at new adventures awaiting.

In the background, an iconic Australian windmill and a billabong (a small pond) reflect the warm colors of the sunset. A platypus is floating lazily in the water, and a small group of Aboriginal rock paintings can be seen on a nearby boulder, giving a nod to Australia's rich cultural heritage. 

Above, a banner strung between two orange trees reads "Farewell Mate!" in cheerful, hand-lettered script. The sky is dotted with whimsical white clouds shaped like boomerangs and didgeridoos, and a flock of kookaburras flies by, each bird with a tiny bindle on a stick, as if they too are off on a journey.

All these elements come together to create a detailed, lively, and humorous farewell scene deeply rooted in the Australian landscape, blending the whimsical style inspirations of artists like Bill Watterson and Gary Larson with the rich narrative details akin to Winsor McCay and Hergé.
Generated with these themes: Australia , and Orange trees.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

In the scene, an Australian outback stretches...

In the scene, an Australian outback stretches...

Sure, here’s a detailed description of the scene for your farewell greetings card:

**Scene Description:**

The scene is set in an idyllic Australian outback, drenched in the warm hues of a setting sun, casting long shadows and a golden glow over everything. In the foreground, there’s a wide, sturdy, rustic fence made of gnarled wood. Leaning on the fence, waving goodbye with a comically exaggerated tear in one eye, is a cartoon koala wearing a classic Australian bush hat (the kind with corks hanging from the brim). His other hand holds a small suitcase covered in quirky stickers (Sydney Opera House, kangaroo, and Uluru).

Next to the koala stands an orange tree, loaded with vibrant, cartoonishly large oranges that gleam like they’re made of polished glass. One of the oranges has a tiny smiling face and is also waving a little leafy arm, adding a touch of whimsy.

Behind the fence and the orange tree, the landscape stretches out into the horizon. You see a mix of iconic Australian flora like eucalyptus trees and bushy shrubs. Among these are a few more whimsical elements: a kangaroo hopping away with a boomerang tucked under its arm, and a platypus lazily floating down a small creek that winds through the scene.

In the sky above, a small airplane is depicted with a banner trailing behind it that reads, "G'Day Mate! Farewell and Good Luck!" The airplane has a comical, friendly face with large, expressive eyes and a broad smile.

Further in the background, iconic landmarks like the Sydney Opera House and a distant Uluru (Ayers Rock) are subtly depicted, giving a sense of place without overwhelming the scene.

In the bottom corner of the scene, there’s a cheeky little detail: a wombat popping its head out of a burrow, giving a thumbs-up. This adds an extra layer of charm and encourages viewers to take a second look to catch all the details.

The overall composition is dynamic, with various elements drawing the eye around the scene, creating a playful and engaging farewell story set against a backdrop that uniquely combines Australian iconography with the whimsical charm of a cartoon world.

This detailed description should provide a rich visual narrative for the artist to bring to life on the farewell greetings card.
Generated with these themes: Australia , and Orange trees.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

Sure, here’s a detailed description of the sc...

Sure, here’s a detailed description of the sc...

In a whimsical and abstract farewell scene, imagine a surreal digital landscape where the themes of Chat GPT and Splendor come to life in an explosion of colors and shapes inspired by the great abstract artists. The background is a deep, vibrant tapestry of interwoven geometric shapes reminiscent of Mondrian's grids, but with a more chaotic, playful twist à la Pollock's splatters and drips. Floating in this digital cosmos are intricate, glowing algorithmic patterns, symbolizing the intelligence of Chat GPT, winding like tendrils of code and forming looping circuits that playfully interact with the elements around them.

In the center of this digital dreamscape, a majestic structure rises, built from blocks of color and light that echo Kandinsky's bold and rhythmic forms. This tower represents the "Splendor" of knowledge and technology. It has an almost cathedral-like appearance, with arches and spires made from pixelated light, shimmering in an iridescent spectrum.

Hovering around the tower, there are abstract representations of chat bubbles – each one a burst of color and text fragments in a style reminiscent of Twombly's scribbles and Richter's textured layers. These bubbles float like balloons, tethered to the ground by thin, wiry lines. Inside some of these chat bubbles, the name "Matty" is inscribed in a variety of fonts and styles, as though whispered by different digital voices.

In the sky above, abstract forms reminiscent of Miró's playful and biomorphic shapes drift like clouds, each carrying letters that spell out "Farewell, Matty!" The letters are composed of a collage of different textures and colors, blending the abstract styles of Rothko's color fields and de Kooning's dynamic brushstrokes. They float and dance across the sky, creating a sense of movement and celebration.

At the base of the central tower, an abstract garden blooms with vibrant, fractal-like flowers, each petal a burst of mathematical precision and organic chaos, inspired by Malevich's Suprematism and Martin's meticulous grids. Among these flowers, there's a small, intricately designed farewell banner with "Goodbye, Matty!" scripted in elegant, fluid lines, almost as if painted by Richter himself.

In one corner of the scene, there's a quirky, robotic figure made of interconnected shapes and lines, representing Chat GPT, holding a glowing pixelated map marked with destinations and adventures awaiting Matty. The figure waves a digital hand in a cheerful gesture, surrounded by a swirl of abstract, colorful confetti that Pollock might have joyously flicked across a canvas.

This abstract farewell scene is a vibrant celebration of both technological wonder and personal connection, capturing the essence of a unique, creative farewell for Matty.
Generated with these themes: Chat GPT, and Splendor.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

In a whimsical and abstract farewell scene, i...

In a whimsical and abstract farewell scene, i...

In the center of the card, imagine a whimsical, abstract cityscape with geometric shapes inspired by Piet Mondrian, complete with a vibrant mix of primary colors—red, yellow, and blue—alongside stark black and white lines. This cityscape is depicted with tall, blocky buildings that have an almost musical quality, their windows reminiscent of Kandinsky's abstract compositions.

To the left, a splatter of paint, a nod to Jackson Pollock, bursts onto the scene with an energetic mix of neon colors—pinks, greens, and oranges. Within this energetic splash, you can discern the subtle silhouette of a conversation bubble, symbolizing Chat GPT. Emerging from this bubble is a cascade of binary code, gracefully transitioning into a trail of tiny, iridescent butterflies, each wing adorned with fragments of code.

Floating above this scene, the sky is a serene gradient of blue hues inspired by Rothko, blending seamlessly from a deep cerulean to a soft azure. Across this sky, fluffy clouds in the style of Joan Miró swirl playfully, with delicate, curving lines and dots. Hidden within these clouds, the name "Matty" is cleverly spelled out in a mix of abstract shapes and lines, making it appear as though the sky itself is bidding farewell.

On the right side of the card, a surreal landscape unfolds, reminiscent of de Kooning's expressive brushstrokes. Here, a grand, ornate hot air balloon, in the style of Gerhard Richter's textured paintings, rises. This balloon, a symbol of Splendor, is composed of a mosaic of shiny, metallic squares, reflecting light and adding an element of opulence. The basket of the balloon, intricately detailed, holds a tiny, hand-drawn figure waving goodbye.

Throughout the scene, delicate lines and scribbles à la Cy Twombly and Agnes Martin add depth and movement, guiding the eye around the card and tying all elements together into a cohesive, farewell narrative.
Generated with these themes: Chat GPT, and Splendor.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

In the center of the card, imagine a whimsica...

In the center of the card, imagine a whimsica...

A surreal, dreamlike living room scene emerges, meticulously detailed and layered with whimsical elements. Dominating the foreground is a vintage black-and-white striped bed, its sheets disheveled as if someone has just risen from it. On the bed, a ginger cat lounges, its tail lazily draped over the side, eyes curiously fixed on the scene unfolding before it. Adjacent to the bed, an elegant mahogany nightstand holds a potted monstera plant with its large, lush leaves cascading down, adding a burst of green vitality to the monochrome setting.

On the floor, an intricately patterned Persian rug sprawls beneath the bed, peppered with an unexpected twist: scattered pieces of uncooked pasta, spiraling fusilli, and bow-tie farfalle, as if a pasta storm had just passed through. A series of framed monochrome crime show stills adorn the walls, each depicting iconic detective scenes in dramatic grayscale contrast, enhancing the noir atmosphere.

A cozy armchair upholstered in rich emerald velvet sits against the opposite wall, a cascade of ivy plants enveloping its backrest and armrests, almost as if trying to claim it. A half-eaten plate of spaghetti carbonara rests on the armchair's side table, the creamy sauce glistening under the overhead light.

Completing this surreal tableau, an oversized magnifying glass leans against the wall next to the bed, a nod to detective work, and a nearby window with billowing striped curtains reveals a hint of an ethereal, starry night sky outside. This intricately detailed scene, blending the ordinary with the bizarre, creates a captivating, farewell story ready to be etched into a memorable greeting card.
Generated with these themes: Crime shows, House plants , Ginger cats , Pasta, Black and white stripes, and Bed .
Made with ❤️ by AI.

A surreal, dreamlike living room scene emerge...

A surreal, dreamlike living room scene emerge...

Imagine a farewell card front cover where a ginger cat with an inquisitive expression sits on a plush, cream-colored bed adorned with black and white striped sheets. The bed itself is against a textured brick wall, which is half-covered with an intricate tapestry of lush house plants, their leaves cascading down and intertwining like a verdant waterfall. The corner of the room has an old-fashioned TV set, its screen displaying a black-and-white crime show scene – a detective in a trench coat and fedora hat holding a magnifying glass up to a suspicious pasta dish. The pasta, in all its twisty and twirly glory, has a peculiar detail: a single spaghetti noodle leading out of the dish and weaving through the plant leaves, guiding the viewer's eye to a window. Through this window, the outside world is visible, showing a peaceful night sky dotted with twinkling stars. The entire scene is bathed in a soft, warm glow from a vintage bedside lamp, casting intriguing shadows on the bed and the ginger cat. This whimsical tableau encapsulates the eclectic themes of crime shows, house plants, ginger cats, pasta, black and white stripes, and a cozy bed, forming a surreal yet inviting farewell scene.
Generated with these themes: Crime shows, House plants , Ginger cats , Pasta, Black and white stripes, and Bed .
Made with ❤️ by AI.

Imagine a farewell card front cover where a g...

Imagine a farewell card front cover where a g...

In a vibrant scene inspired by classic Barcelona architecture, a backdrop features colorful facades adorned with Gaudí-inspired curves and wrought-iron balconies. Prominently located in the center-right is the iconic Sagrada Familia, showcasing its tall spires and intricate stone carvings. Adding an exciting element to the scene is a go-kart track, characterized by its looping design, bordered by red and white barriers and marked with a start/finish line accented by a checkered flag.

In the foreground, a whimsical atmosphere comes to life with characters inspired by beloved comics. On the left, a character reminiscent of Peanuts stands with a big round head, a happy smile, and a waving hand. At the center, a sleek sports car in bright red, gleaming with shiny chrome wheels, draws the eye. Just to the center-left, another character, inspired by Calvin and Hobbes, jumps in excitement while wearing a racing helmet. Meanwhile, a nimble go-kart painted a vibrant blue, complete with the number '7' decal, is positioned center-right, ready to race. To the right, a character inspired by The Far Side displays comically exaggerated features while holding a cheerful 'Bon Voyage' sign.

The scene is crowned with a colorful banner proudly proclaiming "Farewell and Bon Voyage!" in bold letters, accompanied by festive streamers hanging from above. Above it all, a clear blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds and birds flying in a V-formation completes this lively tableau.

Generated with these themes: Sports car, Go karting, and Barcelona.  
Made with ❤️ by AI.

In a vibrant scene inspired by classic Barcel...

In a vibrant scene inspired by classic Barcel...

On a bustling street in Barcelona, framed by the iconic Sagrada Familia and the colorful mosaics of Park Güell, the atmosphere is lively amid a vivid azure sky dotted with fluffy white clouds. In the center of this cheerful scene, a quirky character reminiscent of Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes captures attention. Dressed in a red and black striped shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers, he waves goodbye with a wide grin on his face. Beside him, a playful cartoonish dog, echoing the expressive charm of Snoopy, is seated inside a bright red go-kart. With goggles on and a scarf fluttering in the wind, the dog adds to the whimsical spirit of the moment.

The street is filled with a crowd of onlookers, inspired by characters from The Far Side, each displaying unique expressions and poses as they cheer and wave. Many hold signs that read "Farewell" in various languages, further enhancing the parade-like atmosphere. A sleek, futuristic sports car, painted in metallic blue with white racing stripes, zooms by, its aerodynamic design lending a sense of speed and excitement. Next to it, the vivid red go-kart with yellow flames painted on the sides looks equally thrilling, proudly displaying a small flag adorned with the colors of Barcelona's flag.

In the background, the majestic Sagrada Familia rises with its towering spires, intricate carvings bathed in warm sandstone hues, while the whimsical mosaics of Park Güell add vibrant splashes of color. To complete the festive ambiance, colorful balloons float in the sky, each patterned with stars, hearts, and stripes, while cheerful banners strung across the street display playful messages such as "Bon Voyage!" and "Adiós, amigo!" This lively tableau captures the spirit of festivity and farewell, all set against the mesmerizing backdrop of one of Spain's most beloved cities.

Generated with these themes: Sports car, Go karting, and Barcelona.  
Made with ❤️ by AI.

On a bustling street in Barcelona, framed by ...

On a bustling street in Barcelona, framed by ...

In the foreground, a sleek Vauxhall VX220, its glossy red paint gleaming under the warm Barcelona sun, is parked along a narrow, cobblestoned street. The sports car's low stance and aerodynamic curves contrast sharply with the rustic charm of the surrounding buildings, which are adorned with vibrant flower boxes on wrought iron balconies. To the right of the VX220, an ornate street lamp casts a gentle shadow on a bustling café terrace, where patrons sip on espresso and chatter animatedly. In the background, the historic architecture of the Sagrada Familia looms magnificently, its spires piercing the azure sky. Beside the car, a whimsical go-kart track winds through the scene, weaving between café tables and street performers. The go-karts, brightly colored and adorned with fun, eye-catching decals and fluttering streamers, add to the lively ambiance. Along the track, a few enthusiastic racers in playful racing gear zoom past, their faces lit with excitement. The go-kart track culminates in front of a mural on a nearby wall, which depicts a surrealist landscape that seamlessly blends the picturesque streets of Barcelona with a racecourse leading up to the Sagrada Familia. In one corner of the mural, a farewell banner waves gently, written in vibrant colors: "Adiós y Buena Suerte!" The entire scene is bustling with life, each element meticulously detailed to capture the essence of farewell amidst an adventurous and whimsical setting.

Generated with these themes: Vauxhall VX220, Go-karting, and Barcelona.  
Made with ❤️ by AI.

In the foreground, a sleek Vauxhall VX220, it...

In the foreground, a sleek Vauxhall VX220, it...

The scene unfolds with Barcelona's iconic skyline, where the majestic Sagrada Familia towers in the distance, illuminated by the golden hues of a setting sun. Above, the sky transitions into a beautiful gradient of twilight blues and purples, scattered with fluffy clouds. In the foreground, a modern go-kart track winds gracefully around various landmarks, bordered by vibrant red and white checkered barriers. Two go-karts race along the track: one, a vibrant red adorned with racing stripes and marked with the number '7', boasts a sleek design with visible tire treads; the other, an electric blue vehicle featuring flame decals and a distinctive spoiler, is proudly numbered '22'.

Parked nearby, near a charming street-side café, is a shiny metallic silver Vauxhall VX220, its doors wide open as if it had just been vacated. Its sleek alloy wheels are complemented by low-profile tires, while the interior reveals luxurious leather seats and a small Barcelona city map resting on the passenger seat. The café itself is a quaint spot, complete with wrought iron furniture, colorful flower pots, and twinkling fairy lights that create an inviting atmosphere.

People are scattered around, some dressed in casual summer clothes, joyfully interacting; some wave at the racers while others indulge in coffee. A driver stands beside the Vauxhall, waving enthusiastically while holding a helmet under one arm. Among the details, a small model of the Columbus Monument peeks near the edge of the track, while Gaudi's architectural elements subtly enhance both the barriers of the go-kart track and the cafe. Vibrant banners and flags hang overhead, adorned with farewell messages in multiple languages, adding to the festive vibe of the scene. 

Generated with these themes: Vauxhall Vx220, Go karting, and Barcelona. 
Made with ❤️ by AI.

The scene unfolds with Barcelona's iconic sky...

The scene unfolds with Barcelona's iconic sky...

In the vibrant streets of Barcelona, where iconic landmarks like La Sagrada Familia and the Gothic Quarter set the backdrop, two fast cars race through the colorful scenery. A sleek metallic red Vauxhall Vx220 zooms past a traditional tapas bar, its aerodynamic body and tinted windows capturing the attention of onlookers. Nearby, a jet-black BMW e46 is parked by a street artist who is painting a vibrant mural, its polished finish shining under the sun, and adorned with the license plate "FAREWELL 23."

As the excitement builds, a winding go-kart track has been set up on the cobblestone streets, drawing enthusiastic racers. One bright yellow go-kart features a driver in a blue helmet with white stripes, their speedometer clearly maxed out. In contrast, a cheerful driver in a green kart grips the steering wheel tightly, their red helmet decorated with flame decals, showcasing a big smile as they navigate the twists and turns of the track.

Above them, a farewell banner hangs between two lampposts, boldly proclaiming "¡Adiós y buena suerte!" The banner, adorned with colorful font, is surrounded by confetti that falls gently to the ground, while balloons in red, yellow, and blue are tied to the lampposts, adding to the festive atmosphere of this bustling scene.

Generated with these themes: Fast cars, Go-karting, Barcelona, Vauxhall Vx220, and BMW e46.  
Made with ❤️ by AI.

In the vibrant streets of Barcelona, where ic...

In the vibrant streets of Barcelona, where ic...

The scene is set on a sun-drenched go-karting track just outside Barcelona, where the iconic cityscape serves as a stunning backdrop, complemented by the azure Mediterranean Sea glistening nearby. A sleek, bright yellow Vauxhall VX220 is parked next to the track, its low profile and aerodynamic curves catching the sunlight, while its glossy finish reflects the vibrant surroundings, and the distinctive Vauxhall badge gleams proudly on the front grille. Adjacent to it, a pristine BMW E46 in electric blue boasts a polished body and sporty stance, featuring a classic kidney grille and halo headlights that add a touch of sophistication to the lively atmosphere.

The track is alive with colorful go-karts zooming around, leaving trails of dust and tire marks behind. Each of these go-karts is painted in bright, eye-catching colors like red, green, and blue, adorned with racing numbers and sponsor decals that enhance their racing spirit. Overhead, a large, festive banner reading "Farewell, Speedster!" is strung across the track's entrance, decorated with playful illustrations of racing flags, checkered patterns, and images of fast cars and go-karts that evoke excitement.

The cheerful crowd, comprising friends and family, gathers near the track, waving and cheering in casual summer attire, complete with sunglasses and hats to shield themselves from the sun. Many hold up signs with personalized messages and well-wishes, adding to the warm celebration. In the background, the recognizable skyline of Barcelona looms, with landmarks like the Sagrada Familia and the W Hotel bathed in the warm, golden light of late afternoon. Beyond the track, the sparkling blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea shine invitingly, with a few sailboats and yachts leisurely drifting by, while the sea breeze gently ruffles the leaves of palm trees scattered around the area.

In summary, the setting beautifully captures the essence of fast cars and the thrill of go-karting in a picturesque location that embodies the charm of Barcelona. 

Generated with these themes: Fast cars, Go-karting, Barcelona, Vauxhall VX220, and BMW E46. Made with ❤️ by AI.

The scene is set on a sun-drenched go-karting...

The scene is set on a sun-drenched go-karting...

In this vibrant scene set against the stunning backdrop of Barcelona, the iconic Sagrada Família towers majestically in the distance, illuminated by the warm golden hues of the setting sun. Palm trees sway gently along the streets, while colorful buildings adorned with wrought-iron balconies capture the essence of the city's charm. A winding go-kart track adds excitement to the landscape, complete with checkered flags and orange cones marking its twists and turns. A large banner reading "Adiós, Amigo!" adds a festive touch at one corner.

On the sidelines, a sleek red Ferrari and a shiny blue Lamborghini sit parked, their powerful engines roaring as if eager to join the action. The go-karts zooming around the track are a riot of color – green, yellow, and purple, each one sporting custom decals and racing stripes. One go-kart, in particular, features a tiny Spanish flag fluttering proudly from its rear.

The main character stands confidently next to a go-kart, clad in a racing suit decorated with patches of various racing logos, their helmet tucked under one arm. They gleefully give a thumbs-up to the cheering crowd, composed of friends and colleagues who are waving signs that read "We'll Miss You!" and "Hasta Luego!" Some fans hold balloons, while others clap and cheer in solidarity.

Adding to the delightful ambiance are small yet charming details scattered around the track: a playful cat lounging on a sunlit rooftop, a street musician strumming a guitar in the background, and a vendor cart enticing passersby with churros and horchata, filling the air with delicious aromas.

This scene perfectly encapsulates the themes of fast cars, go-karting, and the enchanting city of Barcelona. 

Generated with these themes: Fast cars, Go karting, and Barcelona.  
Made with ❤️ by AI.

In this vibrant scene set against the stunnin...

In this vibrant scene set against the stunnin...

In the bustling heart of Barcelona, under a clear blue sky, a lively go-karting track is nestled between the majestic Sagrada Familia and the iconic La Rambla street. The scene is vibrant, blending modernity and tradition, with colorful tire barriers and flags from various countries outlining the track. Small, speedy karts painted in bright reds, blues, and yellows zoom around as friends, donning matching racing helmets and jumpsuits adorned with quirky patches, navigate sharp turns and intricate loops. Nearby, sleek, fast cars in shades of metallic silver and electric blue stand parked, showcasing their aerodynamic designs and glossy finishes. In the background, the unique architectural spires of the Sagrada Familia stretch toward the sky, while street performers on La Rambla entertain onlookers with acrobatics and music. Overhead, a large banner reads 'Adiós, Amigo!' in bold, festive letters, fluttering in the gentle breeze. Small tables are scattered around, offering local Spanish delicacies like tapas and churros, with colorful balloons tied to the chairs. It's a joyful, bustling farewell scene set against the rich cultural tapestry of Barcelona.

Generated with these themes: Fast cars, Go karting, and Barcelona.  
Made with ❤️ by AI.

In the bustling heart of Barcelona, under a c...

In the bustling heart of Barcelona, under a c...

In a whimsical, hand-drawn landscape that evokes the charm of Charles Schulz's Peanuts while incorporating the detailed artistry of Hergé's Tintin, we find ourselves at the coastal cliffs of Finnisterre, where the land and the vast, swirling ocean meet. The cliffs are adorned with a riot of wildflowers and grasses that sway gently in the breeze, reminiscent of Winsor McCay's delicate line work. 

To the left, a tall, majestic horse stands proudly, echoing the finely detailed animals from Bill Watterson's Calvin and Hobbes. This horse sports a comically oversized, brightly colored climbing harness, complete with ropes and carabiners that dangle playfully from its body. Its expressive eyes and slightly open mouth suggest a friendly conversation with its rider. 

On the right, a quirky, anthropomorphic tube of hand cream comes to life, presented in the whimsical style of Gary Larson's The Far Side. This hand cream character stands on two legs, one hand planted on its hip while the other holds a tiny, open sketchbook. The sketchbook contains a simple yet endearing drawing of the surrounding cliffs and ocean, perfectly capturing the scene’s serene creativity. 

In the center, a young artist with a manga-inspired look, reminiscent of Osamu Tezuka's creations, stands on a rocky outcrop. Wearing a lightweight jacket and a Finnisterre beanie, the artist is busily sketching the landscape on a large pad of paper. Their other hand is raised in a cheerful wave, offering a gesture of farewell. Nearby, a backpack spills over with an array of art supplies and a rolled-up climbing rope, revealing an adventurous spirit pursuing creativity amidst nature.

This enchanting scene masterfully combines themes of horses, Finnisterre, climbing, sketching, and even a whimsical touch of hand cream, inviting the observer into a world of imagination and artistry. 

Generated with these themes: horses, finnisterre, climbing, sketching, hand cream.  
Made with ❤️ by AI.

In a whimsical, hand-drawn landscape that evo...

In a whimsical, hand-drawn landscape that evo...

In a whimsical and detailed cartoon scene, reminiscent of the rolling, foggy cliffs of Finisterre, a group of quirky characters is bidding farewell to a beloved friend. At the center of this lively tableau stands a jovial horse, donning a comically large hat and waving a hoof while skillfully balancing on a rocky outcrop. This horse’s saddle is humorously laden with various items: a sketchbook with playful drawings barely visible, a tube of hand cream peeking out of a side pocket, and a climbing rope artfully looped over the saddle horn. In the background, more horses can be seen triumphantly climbing the jagged cliffs, their cartoonish expressions radiating determination. One adventurous horse, halfway up the rocky ascent, clutches a piece of chalk in its mouth, preparing to mark its path like a true mountaineer. Nearby, a cheerful and anthropomorphic Finnisterre lighthouse, complete with a smiling face and googly eyes, waves its beam of light like a hand, illuminating the charming scene. Close to the foreground, another character, inspired by a delightful mix of R. Crumb's eccentric style and Bill Watterson's playful creativity, sits on a rock, engrossed in sketching the entire scenario on a large notepad, their face reflecting intense concentration. A small table beside them is cluttered with scattered drawing tools, an open tube of hand cream, and a steaming mug of tea. Each element, from the climbing horses to the focused character and the quirky lighthouse, is crafted with a blend of detailed linework and playful exaggeration, culminating in a vibrant and humorous farewell scene.

Generated with these themes: horses, finisterre, climbing, sketching, hand cream.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

In a whimsical and detailed cartoon scene, re...

In a whimsical and detailed cartoon scene, re...

Picture a whimsical cartoon scene with a vibrant anthropomorphic springboard in gleeful shades of blue. It has a warm, welcoming grin on its face while bending down, preparing to launch a cartoon character into the air. The character, sheathed in a classic diver's outfit and a spherical helmet, looks as though she's giggling with joy, her hand lifted in a farewell wave. Up above, fluffy white cumulus clouds have aligned to form words that read 'Farewell and Best Wishes!', all set against a vivid and sunny backdrop. The whole tableau exudes a joyous atmosphere, capturing the playful spirit of a friendly departure.
Generated with these themes: spring board diving.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

Picture a whimsical cartoon scene with a vibr...

Picture a whimsical cartoon scene with a vibr...

Illustrate a heart-warming scene on a diving platform. The springboard is anthropomorphized with a lively personality and a jovial smile, ready to aid its friend's new adventure. This friend is a whimsical wave-crest character, who is equipped with a retro-style diving suit, including a charismatic spherical helmet that reflects the character's own radiant smile. As this charming character starts the upward journey from the springboard, they hold up a sign that proclaims 'Goodbye, Dive into the Future!'. The environment is filled with a soft drizzle of vibrant, multi-colored flowers who are being carried away gently by the wind, symbolizing a happy farewell.
Generated with these themes: spring board diving.
Made with ❤️ by AI.

Illustrate a heart-warming scene on a diving ...

Illustrate a heart-warming scene on a diving ...

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See why over 10,000 cards were made in the last two weeks

What a breath of fresh air! Silly Robot Cards have bypassed any card manufacturer with their AI technology and card design(s) to capture the imagination and provide a platform to help produce truly personalised greetings cards. Not only that, there’s also human interaction with REAL people to respond to queries & requests providing real time help, assistance and support. A BIG high five to Silly Robots! 🙌 🤖

Hayley Quince - What a breath of fresh air!

Cool use of AI ... I think maybe Moonpig's days are numbered

Andy Baptist - Cool use of AI ..

What a great idea! You pick things that the person likes and this company makes an illustrated card including all the things you chose. So each card is unique to the person you chose it for. Brilliant idea. Card arrived, lovely quality. Happy buyer. Highly recommended.

Sue Blair - What a great idea!

I am absolutely thrilled to pieces with the valentines card I bought on this website, it is just too brilliant to put into words! Where other card websites failed Silly Robot Cards absolutely have come up trumps! I am so pleased. Thankyou so much!

Sarah Salt - I am absolutely thrilled to pieces

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

It costs $3 to print a card.

Cards are printed and supplied with a paper envelope and a protective biodegradable OPP bag.

How long does it take for a card to arrive?

It typically takes 5 business days to arrive.

Shipping options for the USA are as follows:

Standard (5-12 business days)N/A$4.99
Expedited (3-5 business days)N/A$10.36
Overnight (1-2 business days)N/A$20.20

What size is the card?

5.5 x 5.5 inches (140 x 140mm)

Can I personalise the card?

Yes, you can write a message on the inside of the card from the basket page.

How do I send a card?

After creating a cards, you can add to your basket and checkout.

What quality is the card?

The card is a glossy card.

Supplied with a paper envelope and a protective biodegradable OPP bag.

What happens to my pictures after uploading?

All uploaded pictures are deleted within 30 days.

Example Printed Cards

Image 0Image 1Image 2Image 3

Environmental Impact

See how we're reducing our impact on the environment

Water-based inks icon

Water-based inks

Printed using water based inks.

Sustainabily sourced icon

Sustainably sourced paper or wood

From sustainable forests.

Vegan-friendly icon


Contains no animal products.


Can be recycled.

AI Farewell Cards

Say goodbye with style using our AI-generated Farewell Cards – the perfect way to express your sentiments in seconds!

Our AI-powered platform allows you to design & generate a unique card tailored to the departing person and your relationship. Incorporate shared memories, inside jokes, or special moments to create a card that truly resonates.

In a world of generic farewells, an AI Farewell Card stands out as a testament to your thoughtfulness. Surprise your colleague, friend, or loved one with a gesture that will leave them feeling appreciated and remembered. Create your AI Farewell Card today and make their departure a little more special!

Ready to Revolutionize Your Card-Giving?

Join thousands of happy users who've discovered the power of AI-driven creativity. Whether it's birthdays, holidays, or just because, make every card unforgettable.

Need inspiration? Check out our blog post: The Ultimate Guide to AI-Generated Farewell Cards


Created By Gleeboard

© 2024 Silly Robot Cards. All rights reserved